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construction site reports

BSR.020 — 600 kW district heating station – sustainable heat supply for the new indoor swimming pool in Hövelhof


BSR.019 — Schule für Diätassistenz im Evangelischen Klinikum Bethel (EvKB) wird mit Fernwärme versorgt

BSR.020 — 600 kW district heating station – sustainable heat supply for the new indoor swimming pool in Hövelhof2024-08-21T11:04:18+00:00

BSR.019 — School for dietary assistants at Bethel Protestant Hospital (EvKB) is supplied with district heating


BSR.019 — School for dietary assistants at Bethel Protestant Hospital (EvKB) is supplied with district heating

BSR.019 — School for dietary assistants at Bethel Protestant Hospital (EvKB) is supplied with district heating2024-04-15T08:29:56+00:00

BSR.018 — Off the gas, into district heating — ewers stations for Bielefeld residential buildings in Bielefeld


BSR.018 — Runter vom gas, rein in die Fernwärme — ewers stationen für Bielefelder wohngebäude

BSR.018 — Off the gas, into district heating — ewers stations for Bielefeld residential buildings in Bielefeld2024-04-15T08:25:43+00:00

BSR.017 — 2 MW ewers district heating transfer station for the BVG training campus of the future in Berlin


BSR.017 — 2 MW ewers district heating transfer station for the BVG training campus of the future in Berlin

BSR.017 — 2 MW ewers district heating transfer station for the BVG training campus of the future in Berlin2024-07-11T14:30:05+00:00

BSR.015 – Save home energy costs with modernized 150 kW ewers district heating station


BSR.015 – Investment paid off – Save house energy costs with modernized 150 kW ewers district heating station

BSR.015 – Save home energy costs with modernized 150 kW ewers district heating station2024-07-15T11:17:26+00:00

BSR.014 – District heating transfer station in Germany’s largest savings bank branch


BSR.014 - District heating transfer station in Germany's largest savings bank branch

BSR.014 – District heating transfer station in Germany’s largest savings bank branch2024-02-23T09:29:25+00:00

BSR.011 – 312 kW ewers district heating transfer station for more efficient heating in Lenkwerk No.1


BSR.011 - 312 kW ewers district heating transfer station for more efficient heating in Lenkwerk No.1

BSR.011 – 312 kW ewers district heating transfer station for more efficient heating in Lenkwerk No.12024-02-23T07:43:57+00:00
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